Your Purpose Is Greater than your struggles!

Do you wake up every day not wanting to just exist but want to live on purpose? You wholeheartedly want to please God but knowing that you struggle in a particular area you don’t always feel worthy to do what God called you to do. Author Michael L. Williams Jr. learned that the things he struggled with were the only thing that was powerful enough to ignite his PURPOSE! Your Purpose Is Greater than your struggles! One day, as I slept God showed me a vision, and in that vision, he was standing at the top of a mountain and all around him, was all this stuff and I heard him say “this is your inheritance.” So as I started to do as any person would I went to go retrieve what were mines, but as I was walking I seem to...

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I’m a GIANT killer Part One

In order to maximize your PURPOSE, you will Have to kill some Giants! There’s a song by a group “Carrollton Band” called Made for this: Some of the lyrics are:  Born in the wild Formed in the fire Built for the battle I was made for this I was made for this Mind over matter Silence the doubters I have the power Oh, I was made for this I don’t give up I won’t back down Goodbye worries no time to doubt I feel the power, I won’t be afraid Fear won’t stop me, I don’t break I was made for this I was made for this The reason why I’m quoting that song to you is that I want to let you know that no matter what or who your giant maybe, you were made to defeat it. Everything that you need to be successful and to be productive in life is already in you. In Luke...

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